Homes with a softer/warm palette will really pop with the addition of complementary colored flower arrangements.

A medium-sized vase with fresh flowers is the perfect way to accentuate your home’s main living areas. They’ll brighten a room and help to soften more modern and austere interior designs. Homes with a softer/warm palette will really pop with the addition of complementary colored flower arrangements.

Essential things to keep in mind:

How much of a feature is the vase itself?

There’s a significant tradeoff between how much visual impact is achieved by the vase vs. the flower arrangement. A classic subtle vase will deftly set off the foliage and accent colors of the flowers you’ve chosen. A muted color or clear vase will also fit most (if not all) room designs/colors.

An alternate approach is to choose a bolder design/color for the vase. This allows the vessel to be a design element within the room, even when fresh flowers are not available. Keep in mind that this usually means you’re making a style statement with the piece, so it may not fit in other rooms or with a future redesign. 

Keep flowers fresh

The effects of fresh flowers turn quickly once the flowers start to wilt. It’s a great idea to settle into a regular rotation of trimming and rearranging flowers as certain varieties will soften sooner than others. We have helpful tips and tricks to extend the life of your cut flowers. Check out our top tips for keeping your flowers fresh here

Keeping the water clean and clear

The design of your vase may slightly mask discoloration of the water or a small buildup of cloudiness, but it’s best to avoid these issues proactively. Some people add loose copper coins to the bottom of a vase, but we’ve had more success over the years with some basic water treatments such as a small dash of bleach. An added benefit is that this will also help extend the life of your cut flowers. Check out our top tips for keeping your vase clean and clear here